Tuesday, September 13, 2011

On Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance part 1

"If all of human knowledge, everything that's known, is believed to be an enormous hierarchic structure, then the high country of the mind is found in the uppermost reaches of this structure in the most general, the most abstract considerations of all.
Few people travel here. There is no real profit to be made from wandering through it, yet like this high country of the material world all around us, it has its own austere beauty that to some people make the hardships of traveling through it seem worthwhile." - Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Reading this book is both something I look forward to and dislike at the same time.  It is a book that lulls your mind into a basic story and then hitting it with huge ideas.  I feel very stretched.  Every time I put it down I have new information to try and assimilate into my world view.  There are many things in here that I'm not sure I agree with but don't have enough information to say why.  Like he says in the quote above, I feel as if I am at the uppermost country of my mind.  These ideas he is bringing up make sense on some level but don't on others.  I haven't ever thought about scientific theory, personality, and motorcycles as being connected before.   I don't understand everything that is going on in this book but my hope is that I will find some austere beauty.

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